The best site that I know of for cheap used books online is
The site aggregates thousands of independent used bookstores. I always check there first before buying the book new on Amazon. In some bizarre rare cases, the price on will actually be higher than the price of a new book. Sometimes the price will be as low as $0.01 with $3 shipping. I've always received the books that I've ordered, although it can take up to a poky 14 days.
In the process of writing this post, I checked the history and learned that the site was bought by Amazon in 2008.
The site aggregates thousands of independent used bookstores. I always check there first before buying the book new on Amazon. In some bizarre rare cases, the price on will actually be higher than the price of a new book. Sometimes the price will be as low as $0.01 with $3 shipping. I've always received the books that I've ordered, although it can take up to a poky 14 days.
In the process of writing this post, I checked the history and learned that the site was bought by Amazon in 2008.
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