Monday, January 17, 2011

Looking at airport advertising

I use my iPhone camera as a way to help me observe my environment more carefully. At La Guardia Airport Delta terminal earlier this month, I photographed all the billboards in the gate area. Then, looking at all the billboards together, I'm curious what the collection reveals.

Altogether, I counted 19 advertisements, with following breakdown:

Business services: 2 (Accenture and BuddyMedia)
Banking: 3 (all UBS)
Delta Credit Card: 4 (I'm assuming that Delta owns the terminal and puts these up whenever the space is unsold, so that could be a measure of unused inventory. Or maybe they are paying for these, I'm not sure)
Movies: 4 (two each for The Tourist and How Do You Know?)
Tourist destination: 2 (one for and one for The Top of the Rock)
Telecom: 1 (Verizon)
Electronic gadgets: 2 (Samsung and a Canon scanner)

So, what is missing? What does this small sample tell us, if anything, about the state of the economy?

Click here to see images of all 19 ads.

From Airport advertising

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